
Home > Working in Synthesis > Security > Project Owner

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Overview of Security Options

Project Owner

In a secure database, the user who is assigned as the project owner for a particular project has full permissions within that project. This includes the “Basic permissions at project level” and the “Advanced permissions at project level” even if the user does not have those permissions for any of the security groups assigned to his/her account.

By default, the project owner will be the user who created the project, but users with the "Manage all projects" permission can change the owner at any time.

There are two ways to identify the current owner of a project:

To assign a different database user to be the owner for a selected project, select the project in the Project Manager and choose Project > Security > Change Owner.

Tip: If you have the "Manage all projects" permission, you can select multiple projects and assign one database user to be the owner of those projects via the Manage Projects window.


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