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FMEA Tiles

Failure Causes Grid Tile

FMEA Stats Grid Tile

FMEA Stats (Web Summary)

FMEA Stats Tile

This tile provides at-a-glance metrics for a single FMEA or a combined group of FMEAs. These metrics may include record counts and % analyzed, risk profiles and % reduction in RPN and new risks and actions incurred within a specified time period, among others.

Note: All stats are calculated based on unique records within the given data set. If the same control, action and/or task resource appears multiple times in the selected FMEA(s), each unique record is counted only once. This also applies to records from linked FMEAs. (See Resources and Linked FMEAs in the XFMEA/RCM++/RBI help.)

Failure Causes

This stat is a count of the unique failure causes in the selected FMEA(s).

% Analyzed

This stat is the percentage of unique failure causes in the selected FMEA(s) that have been "analyzed." A cause is considered analyzed if it meets these conditions:

The percentage is calculated by summing all of the failure causes that meet these criteria and then dividing by the sum of all failure causes. (See FMEA Stats (Web Summary) for more information.)

Controls / Actions

This stat lists the number of unique controls and actions in the selected FMEA(s).

All Records

This stat is a simple count of the numbers of each type of record in the selected FMEA(s).

% Reduction in Total RPN

This stat indicates how much the risk priority number (RPN) for all failure causes in the selected FMEAs has decreased. Because the percentage will increase as you mitigate the risks in your design, the % reduction in the total RPN allows you to track the progress and effectiveness of your team's actions.

It will only display if both the initial and revised RPN have been enabled for the project.

The % reduction in the total RPN is calculated as follows: 

(Sum of initial RPNs for all causes – Sum of current RPNs for all causes) / Sum of initial RPNs for all causes

Note: "Current" always represents the most recently calculated metric for the failure cause. If a revised RPN is not calculated, the initial RPN is used to represent the "current" risk.

For example, if your selected FMEA contains three failure causes with the following RPNs, the % reduction would be calculated as follows: (792 – 520) / 792 x 100 = 34.3%


Initial RPN

Current RPN

Cause 1 512 240
Cause 2 216 216
Cause 3 64 64
Total 792 520

Risk Profiles — Initial and Revised / Current

These two stats — Risk Profile (Initial) and Risk Profile (Revised / Current) — provide a quick overview of how many failure causes have been assigned to each risk priority level.

Causes are assigned to risk levels according to the "Highlight Priority Based On” setting in the project’s interface style. A priority of "unknown" indicates that a relevant risk ranking, rating or metric has not been defined for the cause. See Viewing FMEAs in SEP and RPNs and Related Metrics in the XFMEA/RCM++/RBI help.

To see the change between the initial and the revised / current values, enable the Show trend option.

Risk Profile with Action Status

This matrix provides an alternative to the Risk Profile stats.

Risks and Actions by Period

This stat allows you to monitor risks and actions for a specified date range.

To select a period, use the Custom or Preset option in the date range chooser (see Selecting a Date Range).

If you are using the Preset option to specify a date range, you can choose to show the change since the last period by enabling the Show trend option in the Settings dialog box.

Note: The “last period” for the trend covers the same interval as the one you specify in the date range chooser. For example, if you specify a date range of “last 2 months” (such as May–June), the tile will show the change in risks and actions since the prior 2 month period (in this case, March–April). The Show trend option does not apply when you select “custom” dates such as 1-Oct-2018 to 31-Dec 31-2018.

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