The Properties panel of the prediction folio is where you will view and edit the properties of the item that is currently selected in the system hierarchy.
Some properties are the same for any item (Identifiers, General and History), and the rest are determined by the specific inputs that are required by the specific reliability prediction standard to calculate the failure rate for the particular type of component/block.
The following topics provide general information about using the Properties panel that apply regardless of which method or prediction standard is being used:
Switching between the Tree View and Pi Factor View.
The Common properties (Identifiers and General) that can be captured for all items.
Using the adjustment factor to increase or decrease the calculated failure rate.
Setting and using default component properties for specific types of components.
Using global edit to apply changes to the properties of multiple blocks and components.
Using status flags to indicate whether an item's properties are incomplete, in progress or complete.
Using highlights to easily determine which components have the highest contributions to an assembly's overall failure rate.
Specialized properties that can be applied for generic blocks:
Using the update modes feature to keep certain properties synchronized for all components in the same assembly.
Performing time-dependent calculations that consider redundancy in the system configuration.
For specific information about the features that apply only to a particular prediction standard, you can go directly to the topic of interest:
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