This chapter focuses on the software features that apply specifically to using the Bellcore/Telcordia standards. For general information about using the prediction folio for any type of standard (e.g., how to create folios, build system configurations, etc.), see Prediction Folios.
The Bellcore/Telcordia standards provide reliability prediction models for electronic components in commercial applications. Lambda Predict supports the following versions of the standard:
SR-332 Issue 3 (Telcordia Technologies, 2011)
SR-332 Issue 2 (Telcordia Technologies, 2006)
SR-332 Issue 1 (Telcordia Technologies, 2001).
TR-332 Issue 6 (Bell Communications Research, 1997)
All four versions are very similar, except for the updated base failure rates in the newer issues and other minor changes. Calculations for standard deviation and upper confidence bounds are available in Issues 2 and 3 only.
The Bellcore/Telcordia standards provide three methods for performing reliability predictions: Method I, Method II and Method III. The method you select determines the model (i.e., equation) used for calculating the failure rate of components (called devices) and blocks (called units).
The following topics are discussed:
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