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Quick Tour of BlockSim and RENO

How to Use This Help File

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Repositories and Projects

Desktop Application Interfaces

Intro to BlockSim and RENO

ReliaSoft's BlockSim provides a comprehensive platform for system reliability, availability, maintainability and related analyses. Our RENO software tool is a powerful and user-friendly platform for building and running complex analyses for any probabilistic or deterministic scenario using an intuitive flowchart modeling approach and simulation.

Both applications are integrated into a single user interface with the ability to save both types of analyses together in the same project. This help file provides detailed documentation for both products. The features that are available on your computer will depend on the license that you have purchased from ReliaSoft.

These applications are also part of the Synthesis Platform, which provides intelligent integration between reliability program activities and tools, while simultaneously facilitating effective information sharing and cooperation between engineering teams of any size. For information about features that are shared by all (or most) of the Synthesis desktop applications, see the Repositories and Projects, Desktop Application Interfaces and Synthesis Platform Tools chapters.

To get started learning about BlockSim and RENO, see New in Version 11: BlockSim and RENO or use the Contents panel to navigate to a specific topic.


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