
Home > Change Logs > Workflow Overview for Using a Change Log

Related Topics:

Activating and Configuring Change Logs

Starting and Ending Revisions

Assign Approvers Window

Approve Version Window

Workflow Overview for Using a Change Log

There are two general approaches to activating a change log and managing revisions, depending on whether or not you are using the electronic approval tracking feature.

Note that while electronic approval tracking is available only for standard databases with login security enabled and for enterprise databases, it is possible to use both approaches for the same analysis branch when appropriate. In other words, authorized users can assign approvers for specified versions and not others within a single change log, if desired.

Without Electronic Approval Tracking

The overall process for authorized users to activate and manage a change log without electronic approval tracking is as follows:

With Electronic Approval Tracking

The overall process for authorized users to activate and manage a change log with electronic approval tracking is as follows:


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