Related Topics:

3D Plots

Saving and Opening Saved 3D Plots

You can save an image by choosing Save As and saving the file in one of four formats: as a 3D Graphic file (*.rlg), as a Windows metafile (*.wmf), as a JPEG file (*.jpeg) or as a bitmap file (*.bmp). If you save the file as *.wmf, *.jpeg or *.bmp you can then use the file in other applications. If you save the file as a *.rlg you can open it in the 3D Plot Viewer window at a later time.

You can open an image by choosing Open and selecting an existing *.rlg file.

Note: While you can open an *.rlg file that was created in another folio, you should only change the Elevation and Rotation values either manually or by using the pointer. If you change any other value the plot will refresh and show the values based on the current data sheet, not the saved plot’s values.

You can change the chart settings in two ways. The chart settings include the placement of the titles and legends, the appearance of the axes and data used to create the chart.


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