Related Topics:


Diagram Tab

The Diagram tab is visible when you view a reliability block diagram (RBD).


  Analyze analyzes the relationships of the components in the diagram and puts the reliability-wise configuration into a mathematical formula.

  Plot creates a plot based on the analysis results. Clicking the Plot icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then plot the data.

  QCP opens the Weibull++ Quick Calculation Pad (QCP), which allows you to obtain reliability results based on the algebraic solution for the diagram. Clicking the QCP icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then open the QCP.

Diagram Tools

  Add Block adds a new block representing a data sheet in a Weibull++ or ALTA standard folio to the current diagram.

  Connect Blocks allows you to create connectors between blocks in the current diagram. When this command is selected, click the source block, hold down the left mouse button and drag a line from the source block to the destination block. When the crosshairs are located above the destination block, release the mouse button to create a connector. To stop adding connectors and return to the normal mode, right-click the diagram or clear the Connect Blocks option (i.e., by choosing the command again).

  Add Node adds a new node (k-out-of-n switch) to the current diagram.

   Add Junction adds a non-failing block to the diagram. Because diagrams must flow from a single starting point to a single ending point, you may need to use junction blocks as starting and/or ending blocks (diagram analysis constraints are presented in the Diagram Analysis Constraints topic). They can also be used anywhere within the diagram that you need a block that does not fail (i.e., does not affect the system reliability). This type of block does not have properties.

  Add Annotation adds a new annotation to the current diagram. You can edit the text that appears in the annotation by double-clicking it to open the Edit Annotation window.

Format and Style

  Copy Diagram as Graphic copies the current diagram to the Clipboard. The diagram can then be pasted into other documents as an enhanced metafile (*.emf) graphic.

  Copy Selected Graphic copies the current block to the Clipboard. The block can then be pasted into other documents as an *.emf graphic.

  Export Graphic saves the diagram as a graphic in one of the following formats: *.wmf, *.png, *.gif or *.jpg. You will be able to use the exported graphic in any application, provided that the application supports the file format.

  Auto Arrange automatically arranges the blocks in the diagram so that all blocks are evenly spaced and centered.

  Make Same Size allows you to specify how you want the blocks to the resized. For more information, refer to the Diagram Appearance topic.

  Make Spacing Equal allows you to specify how you want the blocks to be equally spaced. For more information, refer to the Diagram Appearance topic.

  Align Blocks allows you to specify how you want the selected blocks to be aligned. For more information, refer to the Diagram Appearance topic.

   Edit Diagram allows you to open the Diagram Style window, which allows you to customize the appearance of the current diagram and set the default properties for connectors and new blocks that are added to the diagram. For more information, refer to the Diagram Appearance topic.

   Edit Block

   Edit Connector


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