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Function Wizard Functions

Data Entry Tips for Functions

When entering functions in any of the spreadsheet utilities (i.e., analysis workbooks, general spreadsheets, etc.), it may be helpful to keep the following tips in mind. If you create the function using the Function Wizard, most of the syntax and formatting issues will be handled automatically. However, you have the option to create or modify function expressions directly in spreadsheet cells.

Note: For DOE++, you can disregard any tips related to data source functions (i.e., functions that obtain data or results from a specific data sheet or diagram). The math functions available in the DOE++ wizard do not utilize a data source.

Case Sensitivity

The functions are not case sensitive.

Entering Text as an Input

When entering text as an input to a function, you must enclose it in quotation marks. This includes situations where you need to specify the data source – DISTR("Folio1!Data1") – and situations where you need enter a time or date value in one of the accepted text formats  – DAY("22-Aug-2014").

Regional Settings

If your regional settings use a comma as the decimal separator, you must use a semicolon to separate function arguments (e.g., =RELIABILITY("Folio1!Data1";A4)).

Referencing a Cell in a Spreadsheet

If you want to use another cell in the spreadsheet/analysis workbook to provide the input for a function, enter the cell reference with a letter to identify the column and a number to identify the row. The cell references can be relative (e.g., B2) or absolute (e.g. $B$2). For example, if you want to obtain the probability of failure for the time that has been entered in cell B2, the function could be either =PROBFAIL(B2) or =PROBFAIL($B$2). You can type the cell location directly into the field or click the Function Wizard’s Insert Workbook Reference icon to insert the reference to the cell currently selected in the sheet. If you want to insert an absolute reference, press CTRL while you click the icon.

Another option is to use the Defined Names tool to assign a name to the cell and use the name in all of the function expressions that require that input. (See Defined Names.)

Referencing a Cell in a Data Source

Some functions (e.g., DATAENTRY and FMATRIX) require you to reference a particular cell in a data source. This must be defined differently than references to a cell in a spreadsheet. For data source cell references, you must identify first the row and then the column, and use a number rather than a letter to represent the column (e.g., A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on). For example:

Creating Composite Functions

It is possible to combine different types of data sources and/or functions to create a composite function. For example, in the following formula, two different data sources are used to return the difference between the reliability at 100 hours calculated from the specific Weibull++ standard folio data sheet called "Weibull!Target!Data1" and the reliability at 100 hours calculated from any given Weibull++ data sheet that is currently first in the list of associated data sources for the workbook or general spreadsheet.


In the next example, nested functions are used to round up the returned reliability result to the nearest two decimals.


Omitting Optional Inputs in the Middle of a Function

If you do not use an optional input in the middle of the function, the function expression must specifically indicate that the input is being omitted. For example, when using the Weibull++ reliability function (RELIABILITY(Data_Src,Age,[Add Time],[Confidence Level]), if you want to get the confidence bound on the reliability, you must use two commas (,,) to indicate that the [Add Time] input is intentionally blank, before entering the [Confidence Level] in its usual fourth position (e.g., =RELIABILITY(Default1,1000,,0.95)).

Note that this is handled automatically if you use the Function Wizard to build and insert the function expression.

For information about the different results that can be returned from the same function by using the optional inputs, see the individual function description in Spreadsheet Functions.

Working with Date Functions

When using one of the spreadsheet date functions (DAY, DAYS360, MONTH, WEEKDAY and YEAR) to enter a date, you can use one of the following accepted text formats:

If you do not include the year (e.g., “8/22” or “22-Aug”), the current year is assumed.

Alternatively, you can use the date’s serial number (which is the number of elapsed days since January 1, 1900). For example, =YEAR(41873) returns 2014.

Finally, you can also use the results of other functions within a date function. For example:

Working with Time Functions

When using one of the spreadsheet time functions (HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND) to enter a time, you can use one of the following valid text formats:

Alternatively, you can use the hour, minute or second’s serial number (which is the fractional portion of a 24 hour day). For example, =MINUTE(0.70011574) returns 48 (as the specified serial number represents 4:48 PM).

Finally, you can also use the results of other functions within a time function. For example:


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