Related Topics:

Sub-Item Data Combined or Separated

Notes About Report Generation

Other Options to Output Data

Reports Window

RCM++ provides a complete set of print-ready reports for your analysis, as well as offering you the ability to create your own reports and save them as templates for later re-use. Reports can be generated in Microsoft Word and/or Excel. This provides maximum flexibility for customization and distribution as well as the ability to create HTML and PDF versions of the reports, as desired. To open the Reports window, choose Home > Reporting > Reports.

Using the Reports Window

In the Select Items area, specify the items from the system hierarchy that will be included in the report. You can generate a report that contains data from a single analysis or from multiple analyses together. By default, the item selected in the System panel when you open the Report Generation window is selected, along with its sub-items. You can use the Expand Tree and Collapse Tree icons in this area to expand or collapse the tree.


Note: Selecting or clearing the check box for an item in this list does not automatically select or clear its sub-items. If you would like to select or clear an item and all of its sub-items, right-click the item for a shortcut menu that allows you to select or clear all items in the node.

In the Select Output Type area, select whether you want to generate the report in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. Most report forms are available in both formats, although the appearance, especially headers and footers, may be different.

The Available Reports area displays all of the report forms available for inclusion in the generated report in a hierarchical tree structure. This list includes the standard report forms that are shipped with the software, as well as any custom report templates and any custom queries that you have created. You can click the plus (+) button to open a group and display the items within that group and click the minus (-) button to close a group and hide the items within that group. You also can use the Expand Tree and Collapse Tree icons in this area to expand or collapse the entire tree. To select a report form for inclusion in the generated report, do one of the following:

For the first two methods, the form will be added to the bottom of the list in the Selected Reports area. When you drag the form, it will be placed in the position where it is dropped.

To select multiple forms for inclusion in the report, you can:

The Selected Reports area displays the forms that have been selected for inclusion in the generated report, in the order in which they will appear. To change the order of the forms, you can:

The Selected Reports area also allows you to specify how the contents of certain report forms will be sorted. Choose how you want to sort the report form from the drop-down list in the Sort By column and specify the order in the Ascending column (choosing Yes sorts the report form in ascending order, choosing No sorts it in descending order).

When you click Generate Report, you will be prompted to specify the name and location where the report file will be saved. Specify the pathname/filename and then click Save. RCM++ will generate a main report with the individual forms selected. Once the report has been generated, it will open automatically in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. For reports created in Word, the individual report forms will be separated by section breaks. For reports created in Excel, the individual reports will be placed on separate worksheets within the same Excel file.

Note: If the FMEA Records - Action Details (One per Action) report is selected for inclusion, the Select Actions for Detail Report window will appear when you click Generate Report.

The Settings button at the bottom of the window opens the Report Customization/Settings window, which allows you to create and save custom settings for selected report forms and also to establish your preferences for configurable reporting options.

To create or work with custom report templates, click the Templates Manager button at the bottom of the window.


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