
Home > Working in Synthesis > Repository Settings > Project Categories

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Project Categories

Each Synthesis repository can contain a large number of analysis projects that may be accessed simultaneously by many different users. The flexible Project Categories feature allows you to group and manage the projects in a way that fits the specific needs of the users and the organization.

Just to give one simple example, the following picture shows a database that uses two category levels, where the projects are grouped first by department and then by product line. Of course, many other groupings could be defined depending on your particular objectives. You can add as many levels of indenture as needed.

This topic describes how an authorized user can configure the categories for a particular database. For information about how to apply the appropriate category to any project, see Project Properties. For information about how to filter any project list based on category, see Filter Properties Window. For additional information, see

Defining Project Categories

Users with the "Manage other repository settings" permission can access the Define Project Categories window by choosing File > Manage Repository > Project Categories.

This window displays a list of the project categories that have been defined for the current database, shown in the order in which they will appear throughout the application. If you rename or delete a category, any projects that are already assigned will be updated automatically (the next time the interface is refreshed).





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