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Manage Projects

The Manage Projects window allows you to perform administrative tasks for multiple projects all at once. In a non-secure database, any user who has access to the database can access the Manage Projects window. In secure databases, only users with the "Manage all projects" permission can access this window.

To open the Manage Project window, choose Project > Management > Manage Projects.

This displays a list of all the projects that currently exist for the database. If you have created custom filters in the project list, you can apply those same filters in this window.

Tasks You Can Perform

Some of the tasks you can perform in this window include:

Tip: The Manage Projects window allows you to edit the properties of a project that is currently open or in use. When you make a change, the user who has the project open will see the change you have made when the database refreshes (the refresh happens automatically whenever the user makes a change, such as closing a window, selecting a different item, etc.).


The Manage Project window contains the following commands:


  Close closes the Manage Projects window.

  Edit Project Properties allows you to view and edit the properties of the selected project(s).

  Delete Project permanently deletes the selected project(s) and bypasses the recycle bin. There is no undo for delete unless you have a stored backup or restore point.

  Restore Project is available only when you have selected project(s) under the Recycle Bin heading. Each selected project will be recovered from the recycle bin and restored to its original location in the project list.


  Lock Project moves the selected project(s) into the Locked heading of the project list. When a project is locked, all database users (including the user who locked the project) will have read-only access to the project. In addition, a locked project cannot be deleted or have its properties and public/private status edited. To unlock project(s), choose Unlock Project. (See Locked and Unlocked Projects.)

  Make Private moves the selected project(s) into the Private heading of the project list. To move private project(s) to the Public heading, choose Make Public. (See Private and Public Projects.)

  Change Owner is available only for public projects in secure databases. It allows you to assign a different database user to be the owner for the selected project(s).

  Project Security is available only for public projects in secure databases. It opens the Project Properties window with the Security tab active, where you can specify the user accounts that can view/modify the selected project. For a detailed discussion on how to configure the security setting for the projects in your database, see Planning Your Security Approach.

Check Out

  Undo Check Out discards all changes made to a checked out project and restores it to the state it was in at the time it was checked out. (See Check In and Check Out Projects.)


  Send to Excel exports the data currently displayed in the Manage Projects window to an Excel spreadsheet.  


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