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Actions Notifications Window

The Action Notifications window allows you to specify if and when e-mails will be sent about the action, and to whom. It is accessed by clicking the View/Edit icon that appears when E-mail Notifications is selected in the Action window.

The Action Creator, Person Responsible and Assigned Reviewer fields are automatically populated based on the user who created the action and the information supplied in the Person Responsible and the Reviewed and Approved By fields of the action record. In addition, you can select notification groups to receive e-mails about the action. The Other Users area displays a list of all users who have an account in the database; you can select these users as recipients for e-mails as well. If you are working in a non-secure database, any user who has ever opened the database will have an account created automatically and will be shown in this list.

The E-mails will be sent area displays when e-mails will be sent automatically. Click the View/Edit icon to open the E-mail Settings window, which allows authorized users to specify the settings that are used for notification e-mails for actions throughout the database.


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