
Home > Working in Synthesis > Synthesis Repositories > Managing Repositories > Notifications > Notification Groups

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Notification Groups

Notification groups provide an easy way to make sure that all users in a certain group receive information. E-mail notifications for actions can be directed to notification groups. In addition, messages in My Portal can be directed to notification groups.

Users with the "Manage e-mail notifications" permission can manage notification groups by choosing File > Manage Repository > Notification Groups.

The table displays a list of the notification groups that have been defined in the current database. To add a new group, click Add. To edit an existing group, select a row and click Edit or double-click the row. To delete an existing group, select a row and click Delete. There is no undo for delete.

Note: Upon deletion, the notification group will no longer be available for future notifications. Any existing actions/messages assigned to the group's members will remain in the Message page of each member's My Portal window but the name of the group will no longer be visible.

When you choose to add or edit a notification group, the Notification Group window will be displayed.

A unique name is required and a short description of the intended purpose for the group is optional. In addition, you must specify at least one user account for each notification group. The Available Users area displays a list of all user accounts that have been defined in the current database and have not yet been added to the current notification group. The Selected Users area displays a list of all user accounts that have been added to the current notification group. If you double-click an account in one list, it will be moved to the other list automatically. In addition, you can use the >> and << buttons to move all user accounts from one list to the other or use the > and < buttons to move only selected user accounts.

Tip: To quickly add multiple user accounts to the current notification group, press the CTRL key and click the user accounts in the Available Users list, then click the > button to move them to the Selected Users list.


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