Configurable Options for Systems and Powerplant Analysis |
This chapter discusses how to record the results of an aircraft systems and powerplant analysis based on the ATA Operator/Manufacturer Schedule Maintenance Development (MSG-3) guidelines. This type of analysis uses the System Hierarchy tab on the System panel, which can be displayed on the left side or the top side of the Project window. To change the location of the panel, choose View > Workspace Layout > Change Orientation.
The steps involved for an aircraft systems and powerplant analysis include:
Building the relevant hierarchy (systems, subsystems, sub-subsystems and parts) in the System Hierarchy tab.
Using the MSI selection questions to identify the maintenance significant items (MSIs).
Defining the F-F-E-C (functions, failures, effects and causes) for each MSI.
Applying the MSG-3 logic to set the failure effect categorization (FEC) and selecting/defining the recommended maintenance tasks.
Generating a report of the analysis results.
You may also wish to review information about setting the configurable options for system and powerplant analysis, managing ATA chapters (i.e., systems and subsystems) and managing working group stamps (for display in report output).
For information about aircraft structural analysis), see Structural Analysis. For zonal analysis and lightning/high intensity radiated field (L/HIRF) analysis, see Zonal and L/HIRF Analysis.
Although the system hierarchy and F-F-E-C that you create in MPC for an
aircraft systems and powerplant analysis has many similarities with the
FMEA and RCM analyses that can perform in XFMEA, RCM++ or RBI, the analysis
in MPC is designed specifically for the needs of the aircraft industry
and is subject to certain logic constraints and restrictions imposed by
the MSG-3 guidelines.
Therefore, each application must store and manage the analysis data independently.
However, it is easy to copy any system from the MPC systems and powerplant
analysis into the more flexible XFMEA/RCM++/RBI system hierarchy in the
same project. (See Importing
MPC Systems Into XFMEA, RCM++ or RBI.)
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