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Spare Part Pools

Spare part pools are resources that can be shared among analyses and can be managed via the Resource Manager. A spare part pool describes the conditions that determine whether a spare part will be available when needed and specifies the time and costs associated with obtaining the spare part. You can assign the pools to maintenance tasks.

The Spare Part Pool window allows you to create, view and edit spare part pools. It can be accessed by clicking the Create New or View/Edit icon in the Spare Part Pool wizard, which is accessed from Spare Part Pool fields in properties windows (e.g., in the Maintenance Task window).


It can also be accessed from the Spare Part Pools page of the Resource Manager by choosing Home > Edit > Add, by selecting a spare part pool and choosing Home > Edit > View or by double-clicking a spare part pool.

For a new resource, a name will be proposed automatically based on the default naming criteria established for the current database (see Default Name Formats window). You can replace this with your own name of up to 150 characters, if desired. Remember that the name and identifiers are the primary way in which your team will be able to find the resources you need for your analyses.

The following settings are available to configure the spare part pool:

If you select Fixed probability of stockout, the Emergency Spare Provisions properties will become available. In addition, you will need to enter the probability of running out of stock as a decimal value.

Tip: Circular references between spare part pools are not permitted. In other words, if Pool 1 calls Pool 2 as its off-site spare part pool, and Pool 2 calls Pool 1 as its off-site spare part pool, BlockSim will display a message notifying you of the problem upon simulation.


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