
Home > Repositories and Projects > Repository Settings > Default Name Formats

Default Name Formats

In all ReliaSoft desktop applications except MPC, the Default Name Formats window specifies the default names for new resources, as well as new blocks in BlockSim RBDs, fault trees and phase diagrams. For example, when you create a new model, the default name will be the word "Model" plus an increment to make the name unique (e.g., "Model," "Model_1," etc.). You can configure the database to use a different default name format if desired.

To open the window, choose File > Manage Repository > Default Name Formats. (In a secure database, this is available only for users with the "Manage other repository settings" permission.)

The Resource Name column displays the basic name label for each type of resource or block. This will be represented by the \N code in the name format.

The Name Format column allows you to use any of the following elements to define the default name format for each type of resource or block:

Tip: In BlockSim diagrams, you can use an asterisk (*) to insert the default block name. For example, if you enter  *System  for the block name, the diagram will display the default name for the block followed by the word "System." The asterisk also allows the block name to be updated dynamically when relevant properties change.


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