
Home > ReliaSoft Common Tools > Categories, Identifiers and Filters > Project and Item Filters

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Project Manager

Synthesis Explorer

Project and Item Filters

In many locations throughout all ReliaSoft desktop applications, you can use flexible filters to limit a list of projects, project items (e.g., folios, diagrams, system hierarchy items, etc.) or resources (e.g., models, URDs, etc.).

The drop-down list contains the filters you have saved in this database, plus any filters that another user has chosen to share with other database users.

Use the drop-down list to apply an existing filter. To stop filtering the list, select Show All (formerly called "Default filter").

Sharing Filters with Other Users

To share a saved filter, open the filter's properties window and select the Show to all repository users check box.

In a secure database, a shared filter can be edited or deleted only by a) the user who created the filter or b) a user with the "Manage other repository settings" permission.

Project Filters

Project filters can be applied to lists that contain project names such as the Project Manager and Synthesis Explorer. The filter can either be a query based on specified criteria, or a selected list of projects.

Clear the Show locked projects check box if you want to exclude locked projects from the results, even if they meet the criteria.

Projects are always grouped based on whether they are public, private or reference. For additional grouping, select the Group by category and/or Group by owner check boxes. If you select both, the results will be grouped first by project category and then by project owner. For example:

Item Filters

Item filters can be applied to lists that contain project items and resources such as the Current Project Explorer and Resource Manager.

Select whether the item must match All Criteria (AND query) or Any Criteria (OR query):


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