
Home > Resources > Tasks > Preventive Tasks

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Corrective Tasks

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On Condition Tasks

Preventive Tasks

Preventive maintenance is the practice of repairing or replacing components or subsystems before they fail in order to promote continuous system operation or to avoid dangerous or inconvenient failures. The schedule for preventive maintenance is based on observation of past system behavior, component wearout mechanisms and knowledge of which components are vital to continued system operation. In addition, cost is always a factor in the scheduling of preventive maintenance. In many circumstances, it is financially more sensible to replace parts or components at predetermined intervals rather than to wait for a failure that may result in a costly disruption in operations.

Preventive tasks:

There are restrictions on the tasks that can be performed simultaneously on the same block. Please refer to Multiple Tasks on the Same Block in the BlockSim/RENO documentation.

In addition to the common task properties, the following options are used to configure preventive tasks in the Maintenance Task window:

For corrective and preventive tasks, the simulation requests a crew as soon as a task is initiated; however, the crew does not begin performing the task unless/until the spare part is available. For a complete explanation of how this affects the total time for the task, see Corrective Tasks.

A preventive task that does not bring the system down at the preventive maintenance time will still be factored into the simulation even if its duration will bring the system down at a later time.

For a preventive task that is scheduled to occur based on item age and for which you have answered No to this question, if the task is going to bring the system down, then it will not take place. If, however, the block reaches the age again (after restoration by a corrective action, inspection or another type of preventive maintenance) and this time it will not bring the system down, then it will be performed.

Note: A preventive task with a restoration factor of 0 will generate a new failure with the current age.


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