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Synthesis Enterprise Portal

Projects in SEP

In the Synthesis Enterprise Portal (SEP), some pages - such as My Actions or My Dashboards & Reports - can show data from any project that you have permission to view. Other pages can display data only from a single analysis project that is currently action for you in the website. This includes:

Change Project and My Projects

For any SEP page that shows data from a particular project, the Change Project button allows you to view that same type of data from another project.

When you click the button, the first popup lists the projects that you have personally selected for quick access in SEP (called "My Projects")..

To modify this list or view a project that's not in the list, click Select Projects. In the second popup:

  Add to My Projects

 View Now (i.e., view the project without adding it to your list)

 Indicates that the project is already in your list.

 Remove from My Projects


Tip: If you want to have quick access to the same set of projects while working in ReliaSoft desktop applications, you can create a project filter that filters based on Selected projects.


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