
Home > Resources > Metrics > Metrics

Related Topics and Links:

Using Metrics in Project Planner Gates

Pushing Metrics from an FMRA

Associating Metrics with Folios/Diagrams


A metric is a resource that provides a flexible way to display any numerical value of interest, and track how it changes over time. This can be used for tracking and displaying a variety of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other values, including:

Like any other resource, you can create or edit metrics from the Resource Manager, and while you’re performing a relevant analysis. (See Showing Metrics in Folios/Diagrams, Using Metrics in Project Planner Gates and Pushing Metrics from an FMRA.)

If your organization chooses to implement a web-based Synthesis Enterprise Portal, it's easy to choose specific metrics that you want to access quickly from any web-enabled device.

Note: Metrics are always local resources. They cannot be made global. Metrics in a reference project are local to that project and can't be selected for use in other projects.

Metric Types

The following pictures demonstrate the four basic options for specifying the value that will be displayed and tracked.

Calculate from a model resource

Obtain from a BlockSim simulation diagram

Enter any user-defined value

The value is "pushed" from a Project Planner gate or FMRA


Calculated Result and Saved Values

The Calculated Result field shows the latest calculated value for the metric. This will be updated automatically if the associated analysis or model changes, and the latest result will be stored in an array of saved values.

You can then click the View Saved Values icon to view the history of how the metric has changed over time.

If you change any of the properties that affect the way the result is calculated, you will be prompted to decide whether to clear the array of values that were saved before the change. For example:

In the Metric Results Viewer, you can also choose to clear the entire history or delete only a particular saved value.

The results viewer also allows you to copy the values to the Clipboard so you can paste into another application. For example, if the metric stores the calculated reliability at different points in time, you may wish to analyze the data with a reliability growth model in RGA.   

Target Conditions and Result Indicator

The Target Conditions feature color-codes the current value of the metric. If all specified conditions are met, then the metric's value will be displayed in green. If one or more conditions are not met, then it will be in red. For example, in the following pictures, the result is green if the estimated system reliability is at least 80%, and red if it is not.

The Result Indicator feature color-codes the indicator that shows whether the value has increased or decreased since the prior saved value. If the direction of the change is desirable, the indicator will be green; if it is undesirable, the indicator will be red. As an example, the following pictures are from the SEP.

Identifiers, History, Watch and Trace Usage

As with most other resources:


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