When you are working on a functional failure analysis in the F-F-E-C tab of the Analysis panel, a properties window will be displayed when you create a new record or when you edit an existing one.
Once the window has been opened, you can click other records to view/edit their properties without having to close the window each time.
When you open a properties window from the hierarchy view, a ribbon is displayed at the top of the window, which contains two tabs:
The Home tab provides commands for adding records, with the available options depending on which functional failure analysis record is currently selected. When applicable, it also provides the following tools:
Spelling checks the spelling of the text fields within the window.
Effect Categorization is available only in an Effect Properties or Cause Properties window. It opens the Failure Effect Categorization window, which allows you to evaluate the effects of the functional failure.
Task Manager is available only in a Cause Properties window. It opens the Task Selection window, which allows you to answer the maintenance task selection questions that are applicable based on the failure effect categorization and then create/edit the applicable maintenance task records.
The Navigate tab allows you to quickly switch to another record in the F-F-E-C hierarchy. For example, if you want to quickly scan through the properties for all of the functions, you can open the properties window for the first one and then keep clicking the Next Function command until you reach the bottom of the list. The commands enabled will depend on the record that is currently displayed in the properties window.
The properties for the current record are displayed first and the fields will vary depending on which type of record you are viewing.
Next, the Associated Records area displays the analysis context for the record. For example, in an Effect Properties window, this displays the specific failure, function and MSI that the current effect is associated with.
Finally, the History area displays the date/time when the record was created and when it was last updated. The user(s) who performed these actions are also displayed. If the history log has been activated at the project level, you can click the View Item History icon to open the Record History Log for the record.
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