To view the Functional Failure Analysis in a hierarchical format, click the Hierarchy tab at the bottom of the Analysis panel.
This view, which is the default view of the functional failure analysis, displays the functions, failures, effects, causes and tasks at-a-glance in a hierarchical tree structure.
Note: If you do not want to see the tasks in the hierarchy view, you can clear the Show tasks in the F-F-E-C Hierarchy check box in the MPC Application Setup.
The hierarchy view allows you to add, insert, edit, copy and paste the records in your functional failure analysis. You cannot edit text directly in this view. Instead, all editing is done via properties windows that you can access by double-clicking a row in the hierarchy or by right-clicking a row and choosing Edit from the shortcut menu.
You can move the records in the hierarchy view up and down by using the Up and Down icons on the F-F-E-C tab of the ribbon.
These commands move the selected record up or down the list of records of the same type that are associated with the same record (e.g., move a failure up or down within the list of failures that have been defined for the same function).
The view contains the following columns:
# displays the record position number assigned by MPC based on the position of the record in the functional failure analysis hierarchy. For example, if you insert a new function above an existing function, then the new function will take the number of the existing function and all functions below it will be renumbered. Likewise, if you delete a function, all functions below it will be renumbered automatically.
Description displays the description of the record.
Flag displays a flag for the record, if applicable. To insert a flag, right-click inside this column and select a flag from the shortcut menu that appears. The available flags are: Complete (indicated by a green flag), In Progress (indicated by a yellow flag) and Incomplete (indicated by a red flag). In all Synthesis applications, flags are displayed in the interface only and do not affect analysis results or reports.
FEC displays the number for the effect category that has been selected in the Failure Effect Categorization window. Double-clicking inside this column for an effect record opens the window so you can view/edit this portion of the analysis.
Tasks displays the number of tasks associated with each cause. Double-clicking inside this column for a cause record opens the Task Selection window so you can view/edit this portion of the analysis.
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