
Home > Working in Synthesis > Security > Status Indicators

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Security Options

Managing User Accounts

Setting Item Permissions

Prior Logins

Status Indicators

Synthesis applications include status indicators that tell you which user accounts are currently logged in to the database and which project items (e.g., folios, diagrams, system hierarchy items, etc.) are in use or restricted.

Database Users

The names of all users who have accounts in the database are displayed on the Users page of the My Portal panel (View > My Portal > Show My Portal). A green status light around the user's profile image indicates that the user is currently connected to the database, as shown in the following example. The Connections column shows which Synthesis application(s) are currently connected.

You can refresh the list of users by choosing View > Refresh > Refresh.

Project Items In Use or Restricted

When you encounter an item that is read-only (e.g., OK button is disabled in the window or you are unable to type in the cells of a worksheet or table), you can check the status of the item to see if it is currently in use (i.e., you can’t edit the item until the user closes the folio/diagram or selects a different item in the hierarchy) or restricted (i.e., you don’t have permissions to edit the item). If the item is in use, move the pointer over the icon to identify the user.

The location of these status icons will vary depending on which Synthesis application you are using:

Tip: The application interface refreshes automatically whenever you make a change (e.g., close a project, create a resource, select a different item, etc.). If your computer will not let you edit an item that is in fact not currently being edited by another user, it could be because your computer has not been recently refreshed with the latest changes made by other database users. You can initiate the refresh manually by choosing View > Refresh.

In addition, the software employs “in use” flags within the database to record when an analysis is currently being edited by a particular user. If the refresh still does not show that the item has been released, then something might have occurred to prevent the flags from being reset correctly (e.g., a network interruption or if the software closes unexpectedly). Refer to the Reset “In Use” Flags topic for instructions on how to reset the flags throughout the database if this problem occurs.


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