
Home > Working in Synthesis > Security > User Accounts > Managing User Accounts

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Managing User Accounts

Every person who will access a Synthesis repository or receive notification e-mails must have a personalized user account in the database.

To view and manage the user accounts in a database, choose File > Manage Repository > Authorized Users.

This topic describes how to use the Manage Repository Security window to create, edit or delete/deactivate user accounts. The same window can also be used to apply login security for a standard database and to manage security groups (permissions) for a secure database.

Creating and Editing User Accounts

The Users tab of the Manage Repository Security window displays a table of all user accounts that have been created in the database. You can use the Add or Edit buttons below the table to create or modify individual accounts.

You can also import user accounts from Microsoft Active Directory® by clicking the Active Directory button. (See Importing Users from Active Directory.)

Keep in mind the following requirements when creating new user accounts for a secure database:

Deleting or Deactivating User Accounts

If an account has never been used and you want to permanently remove it, select the account name from the list and click Delete.

In a secure database, you also have the option to deactivate the account instead. This can be used if the account has already been logged in at least once, or if you only want to temporarily suspend access. If you attempt to delete an account that has previously been logged in, you will be prompted to deactivate it instead. If you want to manually deactivate an account:

  1. Select the account name from the list and click Edit.

  2. In the User Login and Contact Information window, clear the Active check box at the bottom of the window and click OK.

  3. When you return to the Manage Repository Security window, select the Show active users only check box to hide the accounts that are currently inactive.

To reactivate the account again later, return to the User Login and Contact Information window and select the Active check box.


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