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Optimization Tab

The Optimization tab is visible when working with an optimization folio.


  Calculate allows you to specify new settings. Each tool opens a window where you can modify the settings to meet your needs.

  Plot redraws the current plot. This command is not available for optimal solution plots.

  Plot Setup opens the Plot Setup window, which allows you to customize most aspects of the plot appearance including the titles, axis numbers and line styles.

  Select Responses Factors opens the Select Factors & Responses window, which allows you to choose the factors (i.e., columns) and responses (i.e., rows) to be displayed in the plot. This command is available only for optimal solution plots.

  Select Data Source opens the Select Folio window, which allows you to select the folio that the optimization folio is based on.


The following commands are available only for the optimal solution plot.

  Duplicate Solution creates a copy of the currently selected solution and adds it to the Solutions list. You can then modify the solution as needed.

  Create Solution opens the Create Solution window, which allows you to enter a name for the solution and specify the factor values to be used for the solution. Your new solution will be added to the solutions list.

  Edit Solution opens the Create Solution window, which allows you to manually adjust the factor values for the currently selected solution. Note that if you edit an optimal solution generated by DOE++, your changes will be used to create a new custom solution and the original solution will remain unchanged.

  Delete Solution removes the currently selected solution from the Solutions list.

  View Solutions opens the Solutions window, which shows each solution, including factor settings, the associated block (if any) and the predicted response(s) at those settings.


  Add Optimization Tool opens the Select Optimization Tool window, which allows you add an additional optimization tool of a type that is not already present in the folio to the folio. Note that each optimization folio can have only one optimization tool of each type and this command is unavailable if the folio already contains each type of tool.


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