Related Topics:

Synthesis Resources

Local, Global and Reference Resources

Creating and Selecting Resources

Types of Resources

The following tables describe the types of resources that you can use in different Synthesis applications. These resources can be created while you're performing an analysis and also from the Resource Manager. (In a secure database, the ability to create, edit and delete resources is available only if the user a) is the project owner, b) has the applicable "resources" permissions, or c) has the applicable "manage projects" permissions.)

Used in Multiple Applications


Used In

Universal reliability definitions (URDs) describe a set of reliability and maintenance characteristics for a particular component/assembly.

BlockSim, RCM++, Xfmea, RBI

Variables store numerical values that can be programmatically varied during simulation.

BlockSim, RENO

Models can represent probabilities, durations or costs, either fixed or time-dependent. They are used by other resources to represent the reliability of a component, the duration of a task, the expected cost of a repair, etc.

Can be published from analyses in Weibull++, ALTA, BlockSim, DOE++, RGA and Lambda Predict, or created manually.

Used in BlockSim, RENO, Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI.

Tasks represent maintenance activities:

  • Corrective tasks are unplanned maintenance performed when a failure occurs.

  • Scheduled tasks can include preventive maintenance, inspections and on condition maintenance.

BlockSim, RCM++, RBI

Task packages represent groups of tasks that are performed together at scheduled intervals.

BlockSim, RCM++, RBI

Crews represent the personnel who will perform a maintenance task.

BlockSim, RCM++, RBI

Spare part pools determine whether a spare part will be available, how long it will take to obtain and how much it will cost.

BlockSim, RCM++, RBI

Metrics display any numerical value of interest, and track how it changes over time.

All applications except MPC via the Project Planner; analyses in Weibull++, ALTA, BlockSim, RGA, Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI

Maintenance groups are used to model situations in which some event within the group can trigger maintenance or state changes for other components/assemblies.

BlockSim, RCM++, RBI

Mirror groups are used to represent the exact same component/event in more than one location within your analysis.

BlockSim, RCM++, Xfmea, RBI

Actions describe specific assignments that need to be performed.

All applications via My Portal; Project Planner and FMEAs in RCM++, RBI and Xfmea

Controls may be used in FMEAs and/or control plans to represent methods to reduce or eliminate the risk associated with potential failures.

RCM++, Xfmea, RBI


Used Only in BlockSim


Used In

Switches describe how the activity transfers between active and standby blocks in BlockSim's standby containers/gates.


Maintenance templates define the activities that will be performed during a maintenance phase in a phase diagram. 



Used Only in RENO


Used In

RENO functions store equations that are evaluated based on input values passed to the function during simulation.


RENO static functions store equations that are evaluated before simulation begins.


RENO simulation definitions are used to trigger simulation of a BlockSim diagram from within a RENO flowchart, allowing you to use one or more results from the simulation in the flowchart.


RENO tables store arrays of values in rows and columns.



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