Related Topics:

Watches and Alerts

Subscribing to a Watch

E-mail and Other Settings

Action Alert Preferences

To configure the action alert preferences for the database, choose File > Manage Repository > E-mail and Other Settings.

In a secure database, this is available only for users with the “Manage other repository settings” permission.

What’s Changed? In prior versions, similar preferences were defined in the E-mail Settings window.

Automatically subscribe the following

Now in Version 10, users can personally subscribe to “watch” specific Synthesis resources and Project Planner gates that are of particular interest to them. For action resources only, the database can also be configured to auto-subscribe watches for users with the following roles in a particular action:

Note that each user can choose to personally unsubscribe later if desired (by opening the action record and clearing the check box under the Watch heading).

Introduction to each action alert sent via e-mail

You can also specify the default text (up to 1,000 characters) that will be used at the beginning of each action alert e-mail sent from this database.



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