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The FMRA tab is available when working with a Failure Modes and Reliability analysis (FMRA) diagram.


  Synchronize FMRA allows you to copy any changes you make in the BlockSim FMRA records to the Xfmea/RCM++/RBI analysis.

Add Record

  Add System adds a new top level (system) item to the FMRA hierarchy. The new item will be added to the bottom of the hierarchy list.

  Add Next Level Item adds a new item to the next level below the item that is currently selected in the FMRA hierarchy, and adds a block to the corresponding diagram. The new item will be added to the bottom of the hierarchy list for that level.

  Add Same Level Item adds a new item to the same level as the item that is currently selected in the FMRA hierarchy, and adds a block to the corresponding diagram. The new item will be added to the bottom of the hierarchy list for that level.

  Add Function adds a function to a selected record and a block to the corresponding diagram. The new function will be added to the bottom of the hierarchy list.

  Add Failure adds a failure mode to a selected function and a block to the corresponding diagram. The new failure will be added to the bottom of the hierarchy list for that level.

  Add Cause adds a cause to a selected failure and a block to the corresponding diagram. The new cause will be added to the bottom of the hierarchy list for that level.


  Connect Blocks allows you to create connectors between blocks in the current diagram. When this command is selected, click the source block, hold down the left mouse button and drag a line from the source block to the destination block. When the crosshairs are located above the destination block, release the mouse button to create a connector. To stop adding connectors and return to the normal mode, right-click the diagram or clear the Connect Blocks option (i.e., by choosing the command again).

  Add Node adds a new node to the current diagram sheet.

  Auto Arrange automatically arranges the blocks in the diagram so that all blocks are evenly spaced and centered.

  Block Properties opens the Block Properties window, which allows you to define the failure, maintenance, optimization, throughput and other characteristics of the selected block. If an annotation is selected, this command opens the Edit Annotation window, which allows you to edit the text for the annotation.

  Line Bend alters the bend style of the selected connectors. The options are: Default, Straight Line, Angle, Right Angle and Custom. The following options are available only if the style is Custom: Remove Bend Point and Remove All Bend Points.

  Diagram Actions


  If the Inherit command is unavailable, then this indicates that the reliability definition of the selected block is based on the reliability of its lower-level records.

  If the Define at this Level command is unavailable, then this indicates that the reliability definition of the selected block is based on that block's universal reliability definition (URD).

  System Settings opens the System Settings window, which allows you to edit the item name and operation time of the system.

  Toggle Diagram Type allows you to select the opposite diagram type (i.e., you can select to change the current FMRA analytical diagrams to FMRA simulation diagrams, or the current FMRA simulation diagrams to FMRA analytical diagrams). Note that the change affects all of the diagrams in the FMRA.


  Calculate Tree calculates the reliability of each record in the FMRA hierarchy. This command is available only when working with FMRA analytical diagrams. The reliability for each record will appear in the Reliability column of the FMRA (if it is shown). If the Reliability column is not visible in the FMRA, right-click the column headers, then click Customize Columns to open a window and select the Reliability check box.

  Calculate Branch calculates the reliability of each record for items within the selected system only. This command is available only when working with FMRA analytical diagrams. The reliability for each record will appear in the Reliability column of the FMRA (if it is shown). If the Reliability column is not visible in the FMRA, right-click the column headers, then click Customize Columns to open a window and select the Reliability check box.

  Simulate Tree Elements opens the Batch Mode Simulation window, which allows you to select the systems to include in the simulation run. This command is available only when working with FMRA simulation diagrams. If the simulation settings for the selected system(s) have not yet been defined, you will be given the option to configure the settings before starting the simulation.

  Highlight applies a color-coding gradient to the results shown in each column, from green (least "desirable" result) to red (most "desirable" result). This command toggles highlighting on and off.

Mirror Groups

  Mirrors gives you the option to add the selected cause to a mirror group or remove it from the group.


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