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FRED Reports

Analytical FRED Reports

Analytical FRED reports illustrate the reliability characteristics of a system's components in a flexible, color-coded format. This report can be used to easily identify the components most in need of improvement in order to achieve the desired system reliability.

The pentagon-shaped block in the first row represents the reliability results for the first diagram included in the analytical FRED report.

The boxes in the following row represent the blocks and subdiagrams in the first diagram. Green boxes represent the blocks with the best reliability results, yellow boxes represent the next best blocks and red boxes represent the blocks with the worst reliability results.

While two blocks may have the same reliability, their importance factors may differ because of their positions within the RBD. For example, a block in a series configuration may have a greater importance factor than a block in a parallel configuration, because any failure of the block in the series configuration will bring the system down.

By default, a spectrum scale is used to rank the blocks according to their reliability, as displayed in the report's legend. You can change the reliability range that is represented by the color scale, if desired, either by choosing FRED > Options > Set Color Limits or by clicking the (...) button on the control panel to open the Set Color Limits window and set a new lower limit and upper limit. For example, if you want to highlight the blocks with a reliability under a certain percentage, set the lower limit of the spectrum to that value, then refresh the plot. To automatically determine a min/max for the Color Limits based on the blocks in the diagram, click the Calculate Color Limits button.

You can recalculate the report to display the blocks' reliabilities and reliability importance at different times by entering the time in the At Time field in the Reliability & Importance area of the control panel. You can also set the time units by selecting an option from the Units drop-down list. When you click Recalculate, the analytical FRED report will update all of the blocks to show their reliabilities and reliability importance at the new time and/or units.


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