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Resource Manager Display Characteristics

Resource Manager

The Resource Manager allows you to create, view, edit and delete resources in the project. The types of resources available in the Resource Manager depend on which Synthesis-enabled application you are using. For a list of which resource types are available in which applications, see Resources. To open the Resource Manager, choose Project > Synthesis > Resource Manager.

To use the Resource Manager, choose the type of resource that you want to work with in the navigation panel on the left side of the window. A table that displays the resources of the selected type will be shown on the right side of the window. You can limit the number of resources shown in the table using the Home > Filter > Maximum Display field. The limit can be adjusted in increments of 100.

You can change the columns that appear in the table for a resource type via the Column Chooser, which is accessed by choosing Home > Columns > Column Chooser.

You also can click the Columns icon (identical to the Column Chooser icon) at the bottom of the navigation panel to display a list of available columns in the navigation panel.

For more information on configuring the Resource Manager and limiting the resources shown, refer to the Resource Manager Display Characteristics topic.

Basic Operations

You can:

Note: A model cannot be edited or deleted when it is still linked to its data source. You can remove the association between the model and its data source via the control panel Publishing page.

With a single resource selected, you can choose Home > Actions > Trace Usage to open the Dependency Viewer, which provides information on where the resource is used and any additional resources that the currently selected resource itself uses.

Advanced Operations

The Resource Manager provides several tools to make it easier to deal with large numbers of resources.

You can clear this selection by choosing Administration > Selection > Show All.

In the Select Comparison Criteria window that appears, select the properties that must match in order for the resources to be considered duplicates. For example, if you are looking for duplicate URDs, you might select to compare the model, corrective task and scheduled tasks, but not the URD name. Once you have selected the columns to compare, click OK to show the duplicate resources. You can clear this selection by choosing Administration > Selection > Show All.

IMPORTANT: For both methods, you should be certain that the resources that you are merging are identical before proceeding. Merging cannot be undone, and only the information from the "target" resource (i.e., the resource that you merge the others into) will be retained.

The number of resources that can be selected at once is limited by the value in the Administration > Selection > Max Selection field.

In the window that appears, select the resource to merge the other resources into (i.e., the resource name that will be retained). This resource will be used in all places where the other selected resources were previously used.

You will be asked to confirm that you want to merge all duplicate instances of each resource of the selected type into the first occurrence of the resource. In the Select Columns window that then appears, select the properties that must match in order for the resources to be considered duplicates. Once you have selected the columns to compare, click OK to merge the duplicate resources.

Note: If you are merging models, they must be of the same category in order to be merged. You cannot merge models that were created via publication.

Exporting Information from the Resource Manager

To print the contents of the Resource Manager, choose Home > Edit > Print.

You can send the contents of the Resource Manager to an analysis workbook or to Excel by choosing Administration > Actions > Transfer Report.

In the Transfer Report window that appears, you can select to export either the current item (i.e., the table for the currently displayed page) or the full report (i.e., the tables for all pages in the Resource Manager) to an analysis workbook or to Excel. If you transfer the full report, each table will appear on a new tab in the analysis workbook or the Excel file. If you send data to Excel, you will be prompted for a filename and location. The Excel file will open automatically if the software is installed on your computer.


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