
Home > Phase Diagrams > Maintenance Phase Blocks > Maintenance Templates

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Maintenance Phase Blocks

Phase Diagrams

Maintenance Templates

Maintenance templates are resources that serve as the basis for maintenance phases in phase diagrams. The templates contain the repairable blocks of a system that will need maintenance during the phase.

What’s Changed? In BlockSim 7, a maintenance template was a separate collection of blocks not associated with any specific diagram. When a template was used in a maintenance phase, the maintenance tasks for each block would apply to any diagram that contained blocks with the same name. In BlockSim 8, the maintenance tasks for each block will apply only to blocks in the diagrams used to create that template. If two blocks in a diagram have the same name, the phase simulation will not run.

To create a new maintenance template, click the Create New Maintenance Template icon in the Maintenance Template wizard, which is accessed from the Maintenance Template field in the Phase Properties window,

or, on the Maintenance Templates page of the Resource Manager, choose Main > Resource > New. In the Select Diagrams window, select the RBD(s) that the template will pull information from. After you have selected at least one diagram, the Maintenance Template window will open with a row for each block that appears in the selected diagram(s).

The following settings are available to configure the template:


Once you have created a maintenance template, you will be able to include a maintenance phase in a phase diagram simulation.

Note: If multiple blocks have the same name in a given diagram, a message will be displayed to notify you of this problem. Although you can still create the maintenance template, you will not be able to simulate a phase diagram that uses the maintenance template until you have renamed the blocks in the RBD to avoid duplicate block names.


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