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Report Builder

Use the Report Builder to design the reports and charts that will be available in the Reports page and the Charts page. You can save your own reports/charts that are visible only to you (or shared with specific users or groups). If you have the required permissions, you can also modify the built-in "Standard" reports/charts or save new "Public" reports/charts that are visible to all XFRACAS users.

To access the Report Builder, choose Options > Designers > Report Builder.

Use the Select Report drop-down lists to specify which type of report/chart you want to create, or select one that you want to modify. For example:

If you want to preview the results based on the current settings, choose Options > Report > Generate.

Reloading Defaults and Deleting Saved Reports

For predefined report types (Standard Reports, Chart Reports, Administrator Reports), you can click to reload the last saved settings. If the saved settings are different from when XFRACAS was installed, you can also click to reset the system defaults.

For reports that were created by users (My Reports, My Chart Reports, Public Reports, Public Chart Reports, Custom SQL Statements) you can click to reload the last saved settings for the report or to delete the report.

Filter Criteria and Fields to Display

The table contains a row for each field that you have chosen to filter by and/or display in the results.

Note: The maximum number of optional columns that a report can include is determined by the system administrator. After you have reached that limit, you can no longer add additional fields.

Part Details

When applicable, report results can include information about the particular template part that each incident or problem pertains to:

In the Report Builder's Additional Fields list, these fields are identified with the prefix "Part Detail".

Filter Criteria Groups

This area shows how Boolean operators will be applied for filter criteria specified in the table. If you have specified more than one Filter Group in the table, you can click the icon to toggle the operator that will be applied between the groups.

In the following example, the results will include records that match all of the criteria in the first group (AND operators for all fields in Group 1) or the single criterion in the second group (OR operator between Groups 1 and 2).


If you are building a report, you can use this area to specify how the results will be sorted when they are generated. The results will be sorted by each field in the Selected list, successively.

Select a field and click or to move it from one list to the other. Double-click a field in the Selected list to toggle between ascending (ASC) and descending (DESC) order.

Users can also change the sort order after the report is generated. (See Reports.)


If you are building a report, this area determines whether the results will be displayed in HTML or XSLT.

Chart Control and Chart Appearance

If you are building a chart, these areas allow you to specify how the data will be presented.

The appearance settings specified here will be applied when the chart is first generated. Users can also change these options after the chart is generated. (See Charts.)

In the following example, these settings will generate a horizontal bar chart that shows the 20 dates on which the greatest number of incidents were created along with a line showing the average number of incidents created daily.

Save Report Window

When applicable, you can use the Save Report window to enter or change the Report Name, Report Description and Report Icon.

Depending on your permissions, you may also be able to select:


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