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Use the Dashboard to view multiple tabular and chart reports simultaneously in a side-by-side format. If you have the required permissions, you can also modify the built-in "Default" layout, or save new layouts that are visible to other XFRACAS users.
To access the Dashboard, choose Home > View > Dashboard.
Use the Select Layout list at the top of the page to select which layout to view.
To view an individual report, click the Zoom icon, , at the upper right corner of the report.
The report will open in a new window,with all capabilities of that report type (e.g., chart reports have drilldown functionality; text reports can be sorted, grouped, etc.).
Click to refresh the layout.
Use the Dashboard Designer to create layouts that meet your specific needs. You can define the number of rows and columns and select the specific reports and charts shown in the layout.
To access the Dashboard Designer, choose Options > Designers > Dashboard Designer.
Use the Select a Dashboard Layout list to specify which type of layout you want to create or modify. For example:
To create a new layout, select an existing one that is similar. Apply your changes and click Save As. You will be prompted to specify the name and other details. (See Save Dashboard Layout window.)
To modify a layout that already exists, select that layout. Apply your changes and Save (or click Save As if you also want to be prompted to change the name or other details).
If you have made changes to the default layout, you can click to return the default layout to its original settings.
If you want to preview the results based on the current settings, choose Options > Dashboard > Generate.
When applicable, you can use the Save Dashboard Layout window to enter or change the Dashboard Layout Name.
Depending on your permissions, you may also be able to select:
Save report for another user or Save report for a security group - makes the layout available to a selected user or to all users in a selected security group. Only the specified user(s) will be able to view and edit the layout.
Make Public - makes the layout available to all users in the current entity. Any user in the entity will be able to view and edit the layout.
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