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Transfer Functions

To transfer functions to an existing FMEA, choose FMEA > FMEA Records > Functions > Add Associated Functions.

To use the Transfer Functions window:

  1. Select where you want to transfer functions from.

  1. Use the Select Functions area to select the function(s) that you want to add to the current analysis.

  2. In the Map Records for Transfer area, select options from the drop-down lists to define how the data will be "mapped" from the original analysis to the new analysis.

Tip: If you want to transfer controls and actions, choose to create new causes from original Causes with Controls/Actions. If you select only Causes, no controls or actions will be added.

  1. In the Other Options area:

Note: In projects using sub-severity ratings, only overall severity ratings are used in transferring records. Severity ratings will not be transferred if you have neither assigned nor calculated overall ratings.


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