Related Topics:

Risk Discovery

Using Questions

If you have specified to use risk discovery questions for the project, the Risk Discovery analysis presents a series of yes/no questions that are configurable via the Project Properties window. Each question has a label that is colored green to indicate a No answer (not critical) or red to indicate a Yes answer (critical).

Authorized users can define the questions that will be used for this analysis. If you want to edit the questions for the current project only, choose Project > Management > Edit Project Properties, go to the Configurable Settings page and click the View/Edit Settings icon to the right of the Risk Discovery Questions drop-down list.

If you want to define questions that could be applied to other projects also, use the Profiles/Library Manager to update the active library and then return to the Project Properties window and apply the questions to the current project.

A Risk Discovery analysis using risk discovery questions is shown next.

In the System panel, the Risk Discovery Details column will display the number of questions with "Yes" answers. More "Yes" answers indicates greater risk. Additionally, if the Mark item for more detailed analysis check box is selected, then the Risk Discovery icon will display in red.

To generate a report of the Risk Discovery data, choose Home > Reporting > Reports. In the Reports window, the Risk Discovery reports are located in the Risk Discovery section of the Available Reports area.


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