The Warranty folio offers a choice of 4 data entry formats that use sales and returns data to predict future returns under warranty: Nevada, Times-to-Failure, Dates of Failure and Usage.
The Degradation folio extrapolates expected failure times based on how a performance measure (e.g., crack propagation, tread depth, vibration) has degraded over time.
The non-parametric RDA folio uses the Mean Cumulative Function to plot the average number of recurring failures over a given period of time. The parametric RDA folio uses the General Renewal Process (GRP) model, which considers the effectiveness of repairs, to model the cumulative number of failures over time.
A set of Design folios provide techniques for DOE analyses such as identifying key factors that affect performance (standard design), minimizing a system’s sensitivity to noise (robust design) and determining the best proportion of components in a mixture (mixture design).
The Monte Carlo utility generates a data set based on a specified probability distribution. SimuMatic performs analyses on a large number of simulated data sets, based on a specified probability distribution.
The Life Comparison folio determines the probability that the life of one population will be greater or less than that of the second. The Stress-Strength analysis folio determines the probability of failure based on the probability of stress exceeding strength.
Weibull++ offers a choice of tools to assist with reliability test design: Reliability Demonstration Test (Parametric Binomial, Non-Parametric Binomial, Exponential Chi-Squared or Non-Parametric Bayesian), Expected Failure Times Plot and Difference Detection Matrix.
The Target Reliability folio finds the optimum cost and reliability of a product, given estimates for various factors involved in the product’s production and sale.
The Maintenance Planning folio uses the optimum replacement age model to determine the most cost-effective time to replace aged components.
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