Related Topics:

Monte Carlo and SimuMatic

ALTA Monte Carlo Utility

Weibull++ Monte Carlo Utility

The Weibull++ Monte Carlo utility uses Monte Carlo simulation to generate a single data set containing values that are distributed according to a specified life distribution or user-defined model. The software uses the cdf (cumulative distribution function) of the relevant distribution to solve for time given an unreliability value chosen from a uniform random distribution. The process is repeated with new random unreliability values until the desired number of data points is obtained. The data set is then automatically placed in a Weibull++ standard folio, where it can be analyzed like any other data set.

To access the Weibull++ Monte Carlo utility, choose Home > Tools > Weibull++ Monte Carlo.

The setup window will appear. Follow the steps outlined below to generate the data set:

  1. On the Main tab of the window, select a lifetime distribution, enter its required parameter values and select the time units (e.g., hours) for the failures/suspensions in the data set. In addition, please note the following:

  2. Select the appropriate option on the Censoring tab:

    Note: With random censoring, the software will censor your data using a uniform distribution. If this option is used to generate multiple data sets in SimuMatic, the percentages you enter will apply to the total number of generated data points, not the number of data points within each data set. Thus, if you select to have 50% of your generated data consist of suspensions (right censored data), half of all your data points will be suspensions, though some data sets may still contain more suspensions than others.

  3. On the Settings tab, specify how you want to generate the data set and where you want the data to be stored.

After the simulation is set up, click Generate to create a data set according to your specifications. A Weibull++ standard folio containing the data will appear.


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