After you analyze the degradation data in the destructive degradation analysis folio, you can create plots of your results by choosing Degradation > Analysis > Plot or by clicking the Plot icon on the Main page of the control panel.
The Plot Type area on the plot sheet of the control panel allows you to select the type of plot you wish to view and the units of measurement you want the x-axis of the plot to be displayed in. The plot types available include the following life data analysis plots.
Reliability vs. Time
Unreliability vs. Time
Pdf Plot
Failure Rate vs. Time
In addition to the life data analysis plots, you can view the following plots, which pertain specifically to the degradation model based on the fitted measurement distributions.
Degradation vs. Time (Linear) shows the effect of time on the degradation measurements, using a linear scale for time and degradation. Multiple pdfs, each at a different inspection time, are displayed on the plot. The measurements obtained at each time are shown at the base of the associated pdf.
A degradation line will be displayed over the pdfs, which shows how the measurement distribution's location parameter changes over time. And a thick horizontal line marks the critical degradation level (i.e., the level at which a unit is considered failed) that was specified on the Main page of the control panel.
Degradation vs. Time (Log) plots the same information as the Degradation vs. Time (Linear) plot, but using logarithmic axes for time and degradation.
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