Related Topics and Links:

Growth Planning Folio and Multi-Phase Plot

ReliaSoft Plot Utilities

Growth Planning Folio Plots

The Plot sheet in the growth planning folio shows a variety of plots that display the results that are expected if you implement the plan. To view the growth planning folio plots, choose Test and Planning > Analysis > Plot or click the icon on the control panel.

The following is a description of the different types of plots you can create for growth planning. For general information on working with plots, see ReliaSoft Plot Utilities.

Plot Types

The following plots show the expected value of the specified metric across all planned test phases:

For the plots above, you can use the check boxes in the control panel to select which of the following elements will be displayed in the plot:

For the Crow Extended model, the options are:

For the MIL-HDBK 189 model, the options are:

For the Crow Extended model, the following plots are also available:


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