Related Topics and Links:


Corrective Tasks

Preventive Tasks

Inspection Tasks

On Condition Tasks

Corrective Tasks

Corrective maintenance consists of the action(s) taken to restore a failed component to operational status. Corrective maintenance is performed at unpredictable intervals because a component's failure time is not known a priori.

Corrective tasks:

In addition to the common task properties, the following options are used to configure corrective tasks in the Maintenance Task window:

If you have selected to perform a corrective task upon inspection and an inspection or preventive task does not occur after the failure, then the block will never be restored. This could happen under either of the following circumstances:

      • Neither an inspection nor a preventive task is specified for the block.


In Version 2019, the following enhancements have been added:

For corrective and preventive tasks, the simulation requests a team as soon as a task is initiated; however, the team does not begin performing the task unless/until all required spare parts are available.

The total time for the task consists of:



      • The time to obtain an available crew (based on crew availability) and any logistical delay time associated with the crew.

For example, consider a block that fails at 10 hours (on the system clock). Its corrective task will take 5 hours, the time required to obtain all spares will be 48 hours and the team consists of a single crew with a logistical delay time of 8 hours. In this case:

If the spare parts are available without delay and all other conditions are the same, then:


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