
Home > Queries > Query Utility

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Specifying the Query Criteria

Query Templates

Query Utility

The Query utility allows you to query the current project for the records that meet your specific query criteria. The results of the queries are returned in spreadsheets that can then be exported to Microsoft Excel. To access the Query utility, choose Home > Reporting > Queries.

Using the Query Utility

If you wish to start by loading the settings from a saved query template into the utility, click the Open Saved Query icon at the bottom-left of the window. The settings can then be modified as described next.

In the Data Source area, specify whether you want to search in the current database or the active project.

If select to search within the database, do the following:

The FMEA structure type and the profile that you choose will determine the fields that you can query by and that can be shown in the results. In the Select Projects area, select the project(s) within the database that will be considered when performing the query.

You can select or clear the check box in the Name column header to select or clear all projects at once.

If you select to search within the project, then, in the Select Items area, specify the items from the system hierarchy that will be considered when performing the query. By default, the item selected in the System panel when you open the Query utility is selected, along with its sub-items.

Note: Selecting or clearing the check box for an item in this list does not automatically select or clear its sub-items. If you would like to select or clear an item and all of its sub-items, right-click the item for a shortcut menu that allows you to select or clear all items in the node.

In the Query area, choose the query type, which is the type of item or record that you want to search for, from the drop-down list. For example, choosing FMEA Actions specifies that the query will search for action records within the FMEAs associated with the items selected in the Limit by Specified Items area. You can use the Expand Tree and Collapse Tree icons in this area to expand or collapse the tree shown on the Criteria tab.


To show the project name in the returned results, select the Show Project check box.

The rest of the window is made up of three tabs.

Once you have configured all options on the first two tabs to suit your needs, click Run Query. See Query Results for information about working with the results.

If you expect to run this same query again or include it in generated reports, you may wish to save the query as a template. See Query Templates.


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