
Home > Failure Modes and Reliability Analysis (FMRA) > FMRA Record Properties > Reliability Policy Update

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Failure Modes and Reliability Analysis (FMRA)

Setting Reliability Policies

Using Rating Scales in the FMRA

Reliability Policy Update

The Reliability Policy Update window is used to change the policy type for all the records in the FMRA of the selected types. For example, if all of the system's causes have reliability policies that are currently based on their initial occurrence ratings, and you wish to update them based on their revised ratings instead, you could use this window to change all of their policies at once. To open the window, choose FMRA > RAM Analysis > Policy Update.


The check boxes are used to determine which records will be updated. For example, you would select the Item check box if you wanted to update all the item records in your analysis.

The drop-down lists are used to determine how the selected records will be updated (i.e., what policy type they will have). For example, to update all cause records so their reliability is based on their revised occurrence ratings, you would select the Cause check box and then choose Based on Revised Occurrence from the drop-down list.

Please note the following regarding the available policy types.


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