
Home > Design Reviews Based on Failure Mode (DRBFM) > Design Reviews Based on Failure Mode

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DRBFM Header

DRBFM Worksheet

Transferring Data Between the DRBFM and Associated FMEA

Design Reviews Based on Failure Mode (DRBFMs)

RCM++ allows you to attach a design review based on failure mode (DRBFM) analysis to any item in the system hierarchy. A DRBFM is a worksheet that is used in the automotive and other industries for evaluating proposed changes to an existing design. The method is similar to FMEA and it may be appropriate to transfer data between the two analyses. For more information about the relationship between a DRBFM and an FMEA, refer to Design Review Based on Failure Mode (DRBFM).

To add a DRBFM, select an item in the System panel then choose Insert > FMEA > Add DRBFM.

The DRBFM analysis tab will open in the Analysis panel. In addition, the DRBFM icon will appear in the corresponding column in the System Hierarchy tab of the System panel (if that column has been selected for display on your computer). To hide or display columns, right-click the column headers in the System panel, then click Customize Columns to select which columns you want to display. These settings are stored per computer/username in the System Hierarchy page of the Application Setup, so any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed.

The DRBFM analysis contains two tabs: a Header tab and a Worksheet tab. The Header tab contains general information about the entire analysis that will be displayed in the header of the report output while the Worksheet tab contains the analysis data.


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