Related Topics:

Query Utility

Managing Query Templates

Query Results

Once you have configured the query criteria and the column headings to suit your needs, click Run Query to display the results on the Results tab.

To go to a specific record, either double-click the record in the table or select the record and click the Go To icon.

The Query utility will remain open, but the focus will change to the Project window and the record will be selected in the System panel (for queries on system hierarchy items) or in the Analysis panel (for queries on all other records).

To save the results table to an Excel spreadsheet, click the Send to Excel icon.

Special Consideration for Action, Control and Task Query Results

Action, controls and tasks are resources that can be used multiple times within the same FMEA or across FMEAs. When you search for actions, controls or tasks, note that matching records may be repeated in the query results if applicable. Specifically:

For example, the following picture shows query results from a situation in which the exact same action is recommended in two locations within the same FMEA. The record is shown twice in the results because the query has been configured to include details about where the action is used (in this case, Failure Cause and Item Name).


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