Related Topics:

RBI Analysis

Building the RBI System Hierarchy

For RBI analyses, you have the option to define systems and subsystems in the system hierarchy, if desired. However, the risk based inspection analysis can be performed only for specialized items that represent specific Equipment and Component types that are addressed in the API RP 580/1 guidelines. To perform an RBI analysis, the hierarchy must include:

Note: The specific types of equipment and components are defined by the RBI methodology and may not be modified or deleted. You can have multiple instances of each type of equipment and component in the same project.

RBI items have the same item properties as other items in the system hierarchy and can have additional analyses attached (i.e., they can include FMEAs, Risk Discovery Analyses, etc.). They do have the following differences:

Adding Equipment

When you add an RBI equipment item to the system hierarchy, it will be added to the bottom of the list.

The command opens a window that displays the list of equipment types that have been predefined for RBI analysis. Use the check boxes to select one or more items to add to the system configuration and click OK.

Adding Component Items

When you add an RBI component item to a piece of equipment, it will be added to the bottom of the list for that equipment.

The command opens a window that displays the list of components for that type of equipment (based on the RBI standards). When adding a component, you have the option to create the item immediately or work through the wizard to define the general properties and damage factors first. If you choose not to define the properties when adding the component, you can still view/edit these properties at any time from the tabs in the Analysis panel.

Converting System Hierarchy Items to RBI Equipment

Starting in version 9.0.3, you can convert a non-RBI item in the system hierarchy to an RBI item if it is either at the lowest level in its branch or if it has no more than one level of dependents. In addition, the item must not have any RBI equipment items as dependents.

The command opens a window where you can choose which equipment type to convert the item to.

All converted items retain the original item properties they had before the conversion.


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