Related Topics:

Prediction Folios

Available Plot Types

Creating Reports


After you have added components to the system hierarchy, Lambda Predict automatically calculates results, such as failure rate and MTBF, for the individual items. The final calculated prediction results are based on the roll-up of all the individual block and component failure rates. The results can be displayed in the following areas:

System Hierarchy Panel

Most results are displayed in the System Hierarchy panel in individual columns. (To hide or display columns, right-click anywhere in the system hierarchy, and then click Customize Columns to select which columns you want to display. These settings are stored per computer/username on the System Hierarchy page of the Application Setup, so any project that you open on this computer will have the same columns displayed.)  

The following calculated results can be displayed:

For Bellcore/Telcordia predictions, the following results are also available:

 For MIL-217 predictions, the following results are also available:

For blocks that use redundancy, the following results are also available:

Calculation Information Window

You can display a report of the failure rate and pi factors for the item that is currently selected, and this information can also be exported to a Microsoft Excel worksheet. To do this, select the item in the system hierarchy and choose Prediction Tools > Data Views > Calculation Information.

This window can remain open while you click other items in the System Hierarchy panel; the results will be updated automatically to represent the current selection. If you make changes to an item’s properties while the window is open, click the Refresh View icon to update the values.

The pi factors that are displayed in this window are the same pi factors that can be displayed in the Pi Factor View.


You can create a plot of results for any standard item or block in the system hierarchy. There are two ways to create a plot in Lambda Predict:

For a list of the types of plots that are available in each prediction standard, see Available Plot Types.


You can also generate template-based reports for your predictions. A basic report template is provided for each reliability prediction standard that is included with your license, as well as one for generic systems. You can also create your own custom report templates to meet specific needs. Reports are generated in Microsoft Excel, which provides maximum flexibility for additional post-generation edits and distribution.

To generate a report, select a standard item in the system hierarchy and choose Prediction Tools > Data Views > Report.

Select the check box of the template you wish to use for the report and click OK to generate the report. You can customize the appearance of the predefined report templates and also build and manage your own custom report templates. (See Creating and Editing Report Templates.)


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