Related Topics:

Creating Reports

Creating and Editing Report Templates

If you have reporting needs that are not met by the standard reports included with Lambda Predict, you can create your own custom report templates (which are saved as *.lp9r files). These report templates can be selected from the list of available report forms in the Select Report window when you want to create a report for a particular analysis.

To open the Report Templates window, choose Home > Templates > Report Templates.

You can also click the Add or Edit icons in the Select Report window.


Ribbon Commands

Regardless of how you opened the Report Templates window, the Ribbon always provides the following commands so you can create or edit any report template without closing and re-opening the window.

  New resets the interface so you can build a new template. Remember that the *.lp9r file is not created until you save the template.

  Load allows you to open an existing *.lp9r file and view/modify the settings. Remember that the file does not get updated until you save the changes.

  Save and Save As allow you to save the template that is currently being edited.

Selecting a Standard

Each report template is associated with a prediction standard. This determines which data fields are applicable. If you have opened the Report Templates window while building a report for a particular standard item, that prediction standard will be selected by default on the Body page of the control panel. If you are creating a new template, or if you have no fields that are currently selected on the Body tab, you will be able to change the selection.

Previewing the Report

At any time, you can use the Preview tab to see how the settings that are defined for the current template will look when the report is generated. This is an approximate preview and uses placeholders in lieu of actual data.

Configuring the Parts of a Report

The following picture shows the parts of a report that can be configured to meet your particular needs.

If desired, you can also use the Plots page in the control panel to select plot graphics to be inserted into the report document. For reports created in Excel, the individual plots will be placed on separate worksheets within the same Excel file. For reports created in Word, the individual plots will be separated by section breaks.

The rest of this topic discusses the formatting and other options available in the Body, Header, Footer and Plots pages of the control panel. For specific instructions about how to select data fields on the Body or Header table, see Selecting Fields for the Report Template.


Body Page

Tip: You can apply the same field heading font, field width and fonts, and data cell colors to multiple fields all at once by holding down the CTRL key while clicking each field of interest, and then clicking the Font icon, the Field Width drop-down list or the color options.  

Header Page
Footer Page
Plots Page


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