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The Elevation page allows you to define the elevation characteristics of the selected element(s). This page applies to the following chart elements: Plot.
Style allows you control how the surface itself is represented on a 3D surface chart. Select one of the following options:
None if selected, represents the surface data exclusively by a wireframe.
Bands if selected, the surface displays changes in data with contour bands.
Lines if selected, the surface is represented by a wireframe and displays changes in data with contour lines.
Solid if selected, the surface is drawn with a solid color.
Solid with Lines if selected, the surface is drawn with a solid color. Changes in data are indicated by contour lines superimposed on the solid color.
Color applies to both surface and contour charts and controls the color used to draw solid chart surfaces. Select the color from the color palette or select Custom to display the custom color palette.
Style controls the appearance of the wireframe drawn upon a surface chart. Select one of the following options:
None if selected, the surface is represented by the surface color only.
Major if selected, the wireframe indicates the original data grid values.
Major and Minor if selected, the wireframe is drawn upon the surface along the original data grid values and any additional rows or columns generated by the smoothing process.
Width controls the width of the line used to draw the wireframe for 3D surface charts.
Color controls the color used to draw the wireframe for 3D surface charts. Select the color from the color palette or select Custom to display the custom color palette.
Base controls how the base of a surface chart is represented. Select one of the following options:
Pedestal if selected, the base is displayed as a solid area that rises up to meet the surface.
Standard if selected, the base is displayed as a flat area beneath the chart surface.
Bands if selected, the base reflects the chart's contours as a series of contour bands.
Lines if selected, the base reflects the chart's contours as a series of contour lines.
Projection displays a planar contour chart projected above a surface chart. Select one of the following projection methods:
None if selected, no projection is displayed above the chart.
Bands if selected, the planar chart reflects the chart's contours in contour bands.
Lines if selected, the planar chart reflects the chart's contours in contour lines.
Separate Contour Data if selected, the data grid is divided vertically between columns into two equal subranges of data. The left subrange contains elevation data and the right subrange contains contouring data. When Separate Contour Data is enabled, a surface chart will display surface contours that do not necessarily conform to the shape of the surface. For example, a surface chart displaying separate contour and elevation data might depict snowfall across a mountain range.
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