Related Topics and Links:

SEP Dashboards

Actions and Messages Tiles

FMEA Tiles

Metrics and Report Tiles

Projects Tiles


Tile Settings

Each tile features a title bar that includes a set of icons:

The title bar also shows the tile's title (e.g., "My Actions"), which you can configure using the Settings dialog box.

Data Sources

Depending on its type, a tile may display:

Tip: My Projects includes all of the projects you have currently selected. (See Projects in SEP.)

For the following cases, the data source(s) will appear in parentheses in the tile's title bar:

Tip: To see a list of these sources, toggle a popup box by moving your cursor over the title bar.

The title bar does not include a data source if it is not applicable for the tile type (e.g., Recent Messages, My Reports, My Projects).

Active and Selected Projects

Many tiles give you the option to display data for “active” or “selected” projects.

    1. Open the Settings dialog box and choose the Selected option from the Project drop-down list.

    2. Click the Add button to display a list of projects that you have permission to view.

    3. Select the desired project(s) and click OK.

To find projects more easily, you can use the search tool or apply any project filters that you have created in the desktop applications (see Project and Item Filters).

Grid Tile Columns

Use the Columns button to add or remove columns from grid tiles.

See Working with Grid Tile Columns to learn how to move, resize, sort, filter and group columns.

Selecting a Date Range

Some tiles allow you to display data for a specified date range. For these tiles, the Settings dialog box provides options for selecting "custom" and "preset" date ranges.

Custom Date Ranges

The Custom option allows you to use the calendar tool to select start (From) and end (To) dates. Alternatively, you can type dates into these fields in the month/day/year format — e.g., 1/2/2019.

This option will display the data that is available for all dates within the selected range, including the start and end dates.

Preset Date Ranges

The Preset option allows you to display data for a specified number of past (Last) or future (Next) “calendar” periods — days, weeks, months, quarters and years. You can also select to display data for the current (This) calendar period.

This displays data that is available for the current calendar period. For example, if today’s date is February 14:

Last allows you to specify a past time interval. Choose the Last + Current option to include the current day, week, month, etc., in your results. For example, if today’s date is February 14:

Next allows you to specify a future time interval and follows the same logic as the Last option. Choose the Next + Current option to include the current day, week, month, etc., in your results.

Tip: The tile will show the actual date(s) corresponding to your selection (e.g., "01-Jan-2019 to 31-Jan-2019," "From 01-Jan-2019," etc.).


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